Events, Training and Opportunities

Resume Tips & Tricks Drop-In

Unlock your potential with employers when you give them a resume that stands out!

We’ll help you prepare a great cover letter and resume during our drop-in session every Friday in July.

Please bring a copy of your cover letter and resume (if you have one). 
Every Friday |   11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fleming CREW, 49 Maple Ave., Haliburton

Contact us for more information. See you Friday!

We’re helping job seekers in your area!

Ask us for help finding work, preparing a resume, or accessing free skills training when we visit your local Haliburton County Public Library!

If a scheduled drop-in day listed here does not work for you, please contact us to set up a time that works best for you!

Online Courses and Employment Resources

Visit the Fleming Employment Hub for free online courses for job seekers and employers.

Employability Skills Workshops

Our FREE employability skills workshops will help you prepare for employment and help you stand out in the job market. Most workshops are 2 hours in length and are available in-person and online.

Discuss what influences job choices, the benefits of working, and explore the hidden job market for possible opportunities.

Explore how personality impacts workplace interactions, learn to understand yourself while appreciating differences in others, and find ways to communicate effectively in your relationships.

Get to know yourself by taking an inventory of your values, interests, skills, and strengths. Learn how this plays a key role in your job satisfaction.

Find out how to stay employed, reduce stress, and feel more satisfied at work. Learn about common work challenges and discover tools to help you make work stick even when it gets tough.

Review the value of time management in the workplace and explore strategies to best manage time in your personal and professional life.

Learn key elements of body language and verbal communication. Apply communication tactics and discuss topics for professional workplace conversations.

Explore what a team is, the benefits of teamwork, and how to improve your teamwork skills.

Learn techniques to routinely deliver positive customer experiences, deal effectively with difficult customers, and demonstrate a positive, confident, and professional approach.

Learn to recognize default conflict style patterns to improve self-awareness and explore positive solutions for resolving workplace conflicts.

Learn to recognize and address problems as they arise and acquire the skills to solve problems in an effective and timely manner.

Explore strategies to use e-mail, text messaging apps and social media effectively and professionally at work and for job searching.

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