Job Seekers

Find a job or career path that’s right for YOU!

Our FREE and accessible services are available to all members of Haliburton County. Fleming CREW is here to assist and support you throughout your employment journey, from learning how to look for employment to finding your dream job, the Fleming CREW team is here for you!

Whatever your employment needs are, you’ve come to the right place!  

  • Discover your career interests
  • Find out what jobs and what industries are in demand
  • Job search support and advice
  • Cover letter and resume writing
  • Interview practice and tips
  • Free employability skills workshops
  • Access to job training funds
  • Strategies for keeping a job

Call us for an in-person or virtual appointment at (705) 313-1957 
or e-mail us at

Our Services

Our Employment Training Consultants are labour market experts! They help clients explore their career interests, plan their career, job search, support human resources needs, and more.

Reach out to us today at (705) 313-1957 or

If you are unemployed or underemployed, we will help you find a job that is right for you! 

We can serve you in many ways:

  • Our services are FREE and accessible to all community members of the Haliburton County.
  • We will help you write a cover letter and resume that is effective and attractive to employers.
  • We will help you prepare for an interview by offering tips and techniques to impress employers.
  • We offer valuable employment resources that you can access at your convenience.
  • We offer free employability skills workshops to help you gain the skills local employers are looking for. Our workshops will help you improve your skills both personally and professional. 

Check out our in-person Job Board at 49 Maple Avenue or our Fleming CREW Job Board for local job postings and to be matched with employers.

Workshops can make all the difference!
We offer a wide range of workshops to help you in plan for long-lasting employment.  Our workshops allow for the time and focus you need to master to create pathways to a better future, both personally and professionally.  View our Employability Skills Workshops or ask us for a complete list of workshops available to you. 

Fleming Academic Upgrading

Skills on Demand is a free, flexible Work and Academic Upgrading program customized to help you achieve your educational and career goals. Contact Fleming Academic Upgrading for more information or to register.

Find a rewarding trades career through an apprenticeship program that allows you to learn a trade, develop your skills, and get paid at the same time! 

Learn about Apprenticeships in Ontario: 

Better Jobs Ontario

This training program is available to unemployed individuals for which skills training is the most appropriate intervention to transition them into high-skill, in-demand occupations. This program is available to unemployed individuals, who have been laid-off, or are from a low-income household experiencing challenges attaching to the labour market. Contact us for an assessment and guidance for your next steps.

Canada-Ontario Job Grant
This government grant provides up to $10,000 for employer training initiatives. Training can be provided by colleges, universities, private trainers and other training centres.  We can work with your current employer to bring opportunities to your workplace. 

Our Support

Are you new to the area? We can help you:

  • Understand the Haliburton labour market
  • Provide tips about the workplace culture in Canada
  • Offer employability skills workshops
  • Help you find and retain work
  • New Canadian Centre 

We have the specialized consultants to assist you with developing a career path or job search plan. We also work with employers to accommodate your unique needs.

We won’t stop there! Call us at (705) 313-1957 and find out how we can support you through your employment journey.

Find a meaningful job that you want to keep  ¾ we offer incentive programs that will help you to maintain employment and provide you with all the support you need in your first year of work. View our free employability skills workshops here

The Government of Canada and Government of Ontario provide job seekers with amazing opportunities to advance their skills and train in careers that are in high demand of workers – all free! Training may include workshops, courses, certificate programs, and apprenticeships. There is also a financial incentive program that can motivate you to retain your job. 

Ask us what programs are currently available that might be right for you!

Employment Resources

Muskoka-Kawarthas Employment Services – Helping you make informed decisions about career pathways, employment, education, training, business, and economic development.

Labour Market Information User Guide – Find out what information is important for your career decisions and where to easily find it. View online or download our User Guide

Workforce Development Board – Find out what jobs and sectors are in demand for the Haliburton area.

Career Planning and Job Search Assistance

OnWin- career planning and job search library

Service Canada Career Quizzes – FREE sign up to get access to:

  • Abilities Quiz
  • Data, People, Things Orientation
  • Work Preference
  • Multiple Intelligence
  • Learning Style Quiz
  • Work Values Quiz

Tools, Assessments and Training Support

Want to learn more about your personality type?
This  is a fun and informative introduction!  Discuss your results with one of our employment consultants to get in-depth information about how your personality matches with the careers you are interested in.

What are your work preferences?  
This Holland’s Code based quiz helps you to identify your career personality and provides a list of occupations that best suit your preferences.  You can also try this brief, picture-based version.

How do you work on a team?
Try this team roles test to find out what role you prefer at work.  Great for interview preparation!

Want to prepare for the hiring selection process?
Get practice taking a pre-employment, DISC based assessment, often used by employers to determine employment and team “fit.”

Want to start your own business?
Test your motivation, aptitudes and attitudes for self-employment with this Entrepreneurial Type quiz.

Wondering how your skills match up? has over 20 free tests covering general, verbal, numerical and non-verbal skills.

Do you want to be your own boss?  
An Employment Consultant at Fleming CREW can help you decide if this is the right career path. We encourage you to begin investigating on your own by using the business development links below.

Build or Refresh Your Computer Skills 

Virtual Document Storage:

  • iCloud for Registered Users of Apple Products
  • OneDrive for Microsoft Users
  • Dropbox  for document storage and sharing files
  • Evernote for document storage and saving favourites
  • Box virtual document sharing for storage

Trent University Indigenous Studies Department
(First People’s House  of Learning) Enweying Building  – Peter Gzowski
1600 West Bank Dr.
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8
(705)748-1011 ext. 7466

Fleming College Indigenous Services
Sutherland Campus 
599 Brealey Dr. 
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1
Fleming Indigenous Services

Please contact us for a list of Indigenous employment resources that extend to all areas of the  Muskoka-Kawarthas economic region. 

To apply for Employment Insurance (EI), visit Service Canada or call 1-800-206-7218.

Mental Health Resources

Good2Talk: Free, confidential mental health support service providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.

BounceBack Ontario (CMHA): Feeling low, stressed or anxious? Check out BounceBack Ontario, a free skill-building program delivered online or over the phone with a coach.

Mental Health Works: Free webinar series on workplace mental health amid COVID-19.

Big White Wall: An online peer-to-peer support community for your mental health. Anonymous, available 24/7 with trained mental health practitioners to promote community safety.

ConnexOntario: 24/7 free and confidential service providing information for people experiencing difficulty with alcohol and drugs, mental illness, and/or gambling.

211 Ontario: 211 Ontario is your primary source of information on government and community-based social services.